Weekly Report 14

at Tuesday, December 16, 2014 0

Mukhammad Hari Syah Agam / 120533430795
Winda N. Anggraini / 120533430959

2 December 2014, there are five groups that present their observation in front of the class. First group is Jevri and Firdausa , moderate by Ardi and Dika. They are present about the parents purposer to giving smartphone tho their elementary school children. The second group is Dwi and Lutfi who present about the use of laboratorium computer just as supporty learning of student university in education informatics engineering and moderate by Devi and Aan. The 3rd group is is Wulan and Rian. They will presented about the use of e-book as learning media for senior high school students and moderate by Hari and Winda. The 4th group is is Ali and Roby who present about effectiveness of WiFi facilities utilization by student at public area in college and moderate by Gagas and Elfrid. And the last group who present about measure dependence level of people to share their moment to social media is Dhimas and Wina. They are moderate by Fawzul and Singgih.

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