Weekly Report 15

at Tuesday, December 16, 2014 0

Mukhammad Hari Syah Agam / 120533430795
Winda N. Anggraini / 120533430959

This week is last meeting of English for Engineering 2 lesson. The activities is present the result of our research like last week. So Mr Aji choose the presenter and the moderator randomly. The groups that present the research result are:

    - Sita and Deus as presenter while the moderator is  Ilham and the secretary is Iqbal. And their research title is “Game Education in Smartphone”.
    - Hani and Arul as presenter while the moderator is Ratna while the Secretary is Ahmad. And their research title is “The Use of Antivirus in Computer”.

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Weekly Report 14


Mukhammad Hari Syah Agam / 120533430795
Winda N. Anggraini / 120533430959

2 December 2014, there are five groups that present their observation in front of the class. First group is Jevri and Firdausa , moderate by Ardi and Dika. They are present about the parents purposer to giving smartphone tho their elementary school children. The second group is Dwi and Lutfi who present about the use of laboratorium computer just as supporty learning of student university in education informatics engineering and moderate by Devi and Aan. The 3rd group is is Wulan and Rian. They will presented about the use of e-book as learning media for senior high school students and moderate by Hari and Winda. The 4th group is is Ali and Roby who present about effectiveness of WiFi facilities utilization by student at public area in college and moderate by Gagas and Elfrid. And the last group who present about measure dependence level of people to share their moment to social media is Dhimas and Wina. They are moderate by Fawzul and Singgih.

at Monday, December 15, 2014 0

Cahyaning and Siti ngaisah

Bit2 lecture last week is Bit2 the last lecture, filled with presentation of the results of each bservation activities each group. last week there were six group presented the results observation that discusses ICT. because Last lecture then all groups must presentsi on that day. after all Mr. aji deliver group presentations on the final exam material which will held on 16 December 2014 and convey the results of the assessment for lectures take place.

Weekly Report 15


Muh.Rizqi Ardiansyah - 120533430975
Siti Musyafaatin Mahardika - 120533430963

For this week , 9th December 2014 , there are only six groups reamin who must presents their observation result . The first presenter is Amadeuz and Rosita Group , and the moderator is Ilhat , and the secretary is Iqbal . They observe about the impact of game education on mobile apps .

The second presenter is Agus and Devi Ratnasari group which moderate by Asamaul and the secretary is Huda . The observation is about the effectiveness of Edmodo for learning media . The third presenter is Haninatul and Khairur group , they observed about the usage of antivirus . Their moderator is Ayu and the secretary is Ahmad ,

The fourt presenter is Hari and Winda group , and the moderator is Yogi with Dian as the secretary . The fifth presenter is Gagas and Elfrid group with Liya as the moderator and Adhe as the ecretary . For the last presenter is Fawzul and Singgih group , and the moderator is Amadeuz and Rosita as the secretary .

At the end of lesson , Mr.Aji told the students about what must the prepared fo the final exam .

Weekly Report 15


By : Ahmad Fathulloh A. (120533430988)
        Ayu Ratnaning K. (120533430980)

At Desember 9th 2014, Mr. Aji arrive at the class about 07.00. This is the last meeting of his class. For the first presenter, Amadeuz and Rosita Ayu choosen as presenters. Their title was ‘The Level of Student Interest Toward Game Education Based Mobile Application’. And then the moderators were Ilham Saputra and Iqbal Firmansyah.
The second presenter were Ahmad Agus Nur Ubaidillah and Devi Ratnasari with title ‘Effectiveness Used of Edmodo of Learning Media for Student of State University of Malang. The moderator of this presentation were Asmaul Fauziyah and Miftahul Huda.

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Weekly Report 15 - 9th December 2014


Alifah Diantebes Aindra                    120533431000
Yogi Wahyu Lakosno                         120533431002

9th December2014

            As a meeting before, we go to in front of class to presentation about our result of it survey. Because today is the last meeting for this semester, so today, some group who not yet presentation, must presestation today. There are 7 group who will presentation today, because of the time is not enough, so we just can ask two question about their report by two questioner.
            After some group presentation their report, Winda and Hari called by Mr.Aji to be next presenter, and Our group become a moderator and secretary. Yogi has practice before as a moderator, so he become a moderator, and Dian become secretary. The conclusion of their report is, more than half of respondents use wi-fi in campus, they online for visit their social media and collect materials for their lecture.
            At he end of class, Mr.Aji said that he was very happy because class is done for this semester, and we are amazing, dont forget to post weekly report, and he will check our weekly report, is it complete or not. And he said that for final exam, we can use any dictionary like book or smartphone, and the question in final exam is about our report and we must translate it.

Weekly Report 15


By : Rian Hari W and Wulan Indah P

Last week of December 9 , 2014, the last meeting English Courses Engineering II . At the last meeting with an agenda to continue presenting the results of research conducted . There are several groups that carry out prsentasi , including :

  1. Rosita S and Amadeus E as presenter while the moderator is  Ilham and the secretary is Iqbal. And the observation title of Rosita S and Amadeus E is about “game education in smartphone”.
  2. Haninatul M and Khairur R as presenter with the observation title is “the use of antivirus in computer”. The moderator is Ayu Ratnaning while the Secretary is Ahmad F.
  3. M. Hari Syah A and Winda Nur A as presenter with the observation title is “the UM student behavior when using internet”. The moderator is Yogi W and the secretary is Alifah Diantebes.
  4. Gagas W and Elfrid O as presenter while the moderator is Liya N and the secretary is Adhe Noer K.
  5. And the last group is us, Fawzul S and Singgih G as presenter while the moderator is Amadeus E and the secretary is Rosita S. Our presentation title is “the most use android system version in engineering student UM”.

After that Mr. Aji explained materials related to UAS .

Weekly Report 15


The Fifteenth Meeting

By : Dwi Umi Solikhatin (120533430808)
        Lutfi Rasyid Nur Hidayat (120533430805)

In the 09 December 2014 is the fifteenth meeting, fifteenth meeting is the last meeting of english lesson for this semester. Because in that day, Dwi didn’t go to college because of illness. So just Rasyid who come in to the class. The activities of that day was to continued presentation result of survey. There are 6 groups yet presentation, so they must complete a presentation today. Mr.Aji choose the group will presentation with random method, and as usual after finish presentation there is two question for each presentation.

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Weekly Report 15


Devi Ratnasari
Ahmad Agus Nur U.

Tuesday at December 9th 2014, this week is the last meeting of the English for Engineering. And the activities for student is continue about the result of presentation. the groups will get a turn for presentation at today is 6 groups including our group. Mr Aji choose the group will presentation with random method, and as usual after the presentation and then do a question and answer with two questions for each presentation. Many topics were presented at this meeting.
After all the groups had a turn for the presentation, Mr. Aji telling about the valuation rules last exam will be do in next week. Mr. aji also remind about weekly report which must be complete. and requirements on the final exam is, students can use tools to translate either the gadget or the dictionary, but on condition that the gadget may not be used to communicate with others.
And finally the learning of English for engineering at this semester has been completed, and the final exam will be do in next week. We hope that all that we have learned during one semester can be useful for the future. Don't forget we say thanks very much to Mr. Aji since been guiding us for this semester.

Weekly Report 15


By: Adhe Noer Khomala (120533430978)  and Liya Nurin N (120533430998)

         At the last meeting, there are six groups that will be present the results of observations by maximizing available time. Mr.Aji choose a group as a moderator and presenter with randomly. Mr.Aji limit each presenter to be able to present the presentation with a question and answer session in 15 minutes. Mr.Aji asked the moderator to set the presentation by maximizing time of 15 minutes.

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