Weekly Report 15

at Monday, December 15, 2014 0

By : Ahmad Fathulloh A. (120533430988)
        Ayu Ratnaning K. (120533430980)

At Desember 9th 2014, Mr. Aji arrive at the class about 07.00. This is the last meeting of his class. For the first presenter, Amadeuz and Rosita Ayu choosen as presenters. Their title was ‘The Level of Student Interest Toward Game Education Based Mobile Application’. And then the moderators were Ilham Saputra and Iqbal Firmansyah.
The second presenter were Ahmad Agus Nur Ubaidillah and Devi Ratnasari with title ‘Effectiveness Used of Edmodo of Learning Media for Student of State University of Malang. The moderator of this presentation were Asmaul Fauziyah and Miftahul Huda.
Mr. Aji called Ahmad Fathulloh and Ayu Ratnaning as moderator, and Haninatul Mutmainah and Khairur Rosyidi as presenters. Ayu will be the moderator, and Ahmad will be the secretary. The title of this presentation was ‘The Use of Antivirus on Computer’. Ayu asked the presenters to start their presentation, while Ahmad readed the report and make the conclusion. After the presentation was over, Ayu asked the class to give a question for the presenters. There are three question like in below :
1.      Do you ask about the version of antivirus that most used? (Roby Wahyudi)
2.      Why you use AVG as antivirus in your conclusion? (Jevri Tri A)
3.      You can’t conclusion that AVG is the best antivirus because most of respondents using SMADAV. Explain it! (Muh Rizqi A)
The answer for the question was :
1.      We didn’t ask the respondents what the version of their antivirus. Because the choose of antivirus in optional question, then in open-ended question they didn’t write the version too. (Khairur)
2.      Using Skala Likert, AVG have more overplus than the weakness, so AVG used in the conclusion! (Haninatul)
3.      The explanation is same with number one, maybe it will be the suggest for our survey (Khairur)
Aftet the question section, Ayu asked Ahmad to read the conclusion and closed the presentation for this time.
The presentation continued by Hary and Winda as presenters and Alifah Dian with Yogi as moderator. Then, Elfrid and Gagas as presenter with title ‘The advantages of Blog for Student in State University of Malang’, while Adhe Noer and Liya Nurin as moderators.The last presented by Fawzul and Singgih and the moderators were Amadeuz and Rosita with title ‘The Most Used Android Version in Informatics Education Student of Universitas of Malang’.

After that, Mr. Aji explain the scoring for this lesson. The score taken from the presentation, the question, UAS, and tasks in the past.

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